Your Guide to General Footcare


Top tips to help prevent foot problems
Follow our simple steps to help keep your feet in tip-top shape and reduce your risk of developing any problems

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Read this if you wear high heels!


Read this if you wear high heels! We know women love high heels, but their feet don’t – they can cause all sorts of foot problems including, nail trauma, blisters, corns and calluses, knee and back pain and also affect general health causing knee and back pain.

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Why is it important to exfoliate and moisturise my feet?

Why is it important to exfoliate and moisturise my feet? What kind of basic care do my feet need? If you neglect your feet, it can lead to unnecessary pain and other foot problems. One of the most important tips for healthy feet is to keep them

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Flat feet in children due to hypermobility or joint laxity


Flat feet in children due to hypermobility or joint laxity Treating flat feet in children Children’s flat feet are often treated by the NHS orthotic services, but sometimes access to these services can prove difficult either because of referrer’s not recognising the issues, long NHS waiting lists,

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